Thursday, January 10, 2019

Epiphany, 4th day after

"See, I pray you, and attentively consider how keen is the eye of Faith.  It recognizes the Son of God whether feeding at His Mother's breasts, or hanging on the Cross, or dying in the midst of suffering; for the Good Thief recognizes Him on the Cross, and the Magi recognize Him in the stable; He in spite of nails which fasten Him, and they in spite of the clouts which swathe Him."
St. Bernard

Today's offering is from the Middle Ages, and used to be sung in England.  A song offered to Our beautiful Lady and Mother:

O flower of purity!  Sanctuary of chastity!  Mother of mercy!  Hail, gentle Maid!  Source of Life!  Beautiful light!  Full of the dew of the sevenfold Spirit!  Adorned with all virtues, and blooming in holiness of life!

Sweet rose!  Lily of chastity!  Fruitful Mother, thou givest birth to the Son of God!  And after thy delivery thou remainest a pure Virgin!

Thou art made His Mother in a wonderful way--nature stood aside to let its God do all.

How beautiful art thou by giving birth to Him that is the very Light--the great King!

Those ancient figures of the Law--the Rod, the Glower, the Bush, the Dew--all were types of thee, sweet Virgin-Mother!

And Gideon's Fleece, soaked with the dew of heaven, foreshadowed thee, O Mary, the worthy Mother of our God!

Thou art a Virgin, and thou hast a Child!  Thou art a Star, and thou bringest forth a Sun!  Dear peerless Queen!

And after this, can men be found who deem it wrong to call the 'the Way of Life'?

Thou art the Hope, and the Refuge of humble sinners:  thou healest them whose hearts are sick from crime, and thou winnest salvation for them that repent.

Thou art the comfortress of the afflicted, and the support of the weak; the unclean of heart ask thee to pray them pure, and souls discouraged obtain bravery from thee.

Thou art the glory and the helper of them that have confidence in thee; and by thy prayers thou obtainest the reward of eternal life for them that serve thee.

O Mary, full of motherly love! thou art the sinner's advocate, and the sweet consoling hope of them that are in wretchedness.

Raise up the hearts of us thy clients, and turn them to the holy joys of the heavenly kingdom.

Where we may, by thy intercession, truly rejoice, and reign together with thy Son.  Amen.


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