Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Epiphany, 3rd day after

Today we have a beautiful prayer from the Mozarabic Missal to help us celebrate the Triple Mystery of the Epiphany.  Enjoy


O God, who to lighten the labours of this present life hast conferred upon us the various consolations and joys of they gifts which we commemorate in the yearly recurrence of the festivals:  thou grantest us now, on this present solemnity, to unite in the mysteries celebrated by the Church.  Having kept, a few days past, the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour, Who was born unto us in time and yet was born of thee from eternity, and preceded and created all ages and time; having, eight days after that, with like devotion and with the same solemn sacrifice, honoured the Circumcision, that Feast resplendent with the light of thine Only Begotten Son; we now on this day worship the Epiphany, which revealed unto us the divinity of Him Who had assumed our Humanity. 

We proclaim those various manifestations, whereby our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son made known His having come into this world.  We proclaim His having sent from the heavens that Star which announced His own rising, and by whose guidance He led the wondering Magi to the cradle where He lay in His assumed Infant Flesh.

We proclaim His sanctifying, unto the cleansing of all nations, the waters by His own Baptism, when He entered the bed of the Jordan, and where by the Spirit hovering in the shape of a dove over Him, thou didst show and by thy paternal Voice didst declare that He was thy beloved Only-Begotten Son. 

We proclaim His first miracle wrought in Cana of Galilee, when, He changed the water into wine, teaching us, by a sublime and admirable mystery, that He had come in order to be united to the Church, the Spouse He had, for ages, chosen to Himself, and that the faith in the promises was henceforth to be changed into the wine of sweet spiritual wisdom.

Thus it is, that in the three wonders which are the object of our Faith on this day's solemnity, our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, achieves both the operation of thy power, and the preparation of our salvation.

Wherefore, we beseech thee, O Lord, grant us, agreeably to these three prodigies, that there may abide in us the soundness of spiritual grace, that our hearts may relish the wine of prudence, and that the star of justice may shine forth in our works.  Amen.

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