Sunday, October 7, 2018

Battle of Lepanto

From the Desk of Richard Thompson,
Thomas More Law Center
A Million Catholics Pray The Rosary On Poland's Border
The Defeat Of Islam At The Battle Of Lepanto
    This Saturday, October 7 (this was last year)over a million Catholics in Poland are
expected to gather along Poland’s 2000-mile border in a massive rosary prayer crusade
entitled “Rosary on the Borders.” Their purpose is to commemorate the anniversary
 of the October 7, 1571 Battle of Lepanto, during which the outnumbered Christian
 naval fleet dealt a massive blow to the Muslim Ottoman Empire,saving Christendom

from Islamic domination.   

The Islamic Ottoman Empire, under the rule of Soleiman the Magnificent, desired to
conquer Italy  and dominate Europe. He yearned to bring all of Europe within the
dar al-Islam, submissive to  Sharia law. The Sultan envisioned building a mosque in St.
 Peter’s Square in Rome, as Muslims  had done a century earlier in Constantinople
with the construction of Hagia Sophia.  When Pope Pius V realized that Muslims
intended to dominate Christian Europe, he formed the Holy League to confront the
Sultan’s war galleys. He knew this was indeed a war between  Christianity and  Islam.
He appointed a young warrior, Don Juan of Austria, to lead the Holy  League in naval
combat.   Taking the young warrior by the shoulders Pius V said, “The Turks, swollen
by their victories, will  wish to take on our fleet, and God - I have the pious
presentiment - give us victory.  Charles V  [his father] gave you life, I will give 
you honor and greatness.  Go seek them out.”    

On the night before the battle, as the Muslim fleet descended upon the Gulf of Lepanto,
Pius V ordered all the churches remain open, and recommended the faithful invoke the
intercession  of the Blessed Virgin Mary through the prayer of the Rosary. 

The battle lasted for five hours. Shortly before the first cannons went off, Captain Juan
told his men, “Gentlemen, the time for counsel has passed. Now is the time for war."

 Before the first shot was fired, Captain Juan knelt in prayer on his ship, the Real. He
 then stood  and  ordered the Holy League’s battle standard to be unfurled. It was a gift
from Pius V, a giant  blue banner  bearing an image of the crucified Christ. Christians
up and down the battle line cheered as it was unfurled  for the enemy to see.

Aboard the Holy League's vessels were priests from various Catholic orders including

Franciscans, Capuchins, Dominicans, Theatines, and Jesuits. They held large crucifixes
and walked  the decks of the galleys, exhorting the men to be brave, as well as offering
Mass and hearing  confessions. Many of the oarsmen were criminals. Don Juan
ordered them all unchained, issued  them a weapon, and promised to free them if they
fought bravely. He gave every man a Rosary, emphasizing that they were about to
engage in a spiritual battle.

The Muslims had their own battle standard, a green silk banner, with the name of Allah
stitched in gold calligraphy 28,900 times. At the height of the battle, the opposing
flagships, Don Juan’s Real and Ali Pasha’s Sultana, engaged in bloody fighting.
The Sultana was captured.

The Muslims suffered a disastrous defeat: 187 ships were sunk or captured, and 30,000
Muslims  dead or wounded and another 10,000 Muslims captured. On the other hand,
the Holy League lost only 17 ships, and suffered 10,000 deaths. The Holy
League also freed approximately 12,000 Christian captives who had been chained
to the oars of the Sultan’s ships.

This triumph of Christianity and Western civilization over Islam in the Battle of Lepanto
was  attributed to prayers and the intercession of the Virgin Mary.

The Battle of ToursThe first battle between Christian Europe and Islam occurred on October 10, 732.
The victorious Christian forces led by Charles “The Hammer” Martel
(grandfather of Charlemagne), preserved  Christianity in Europe at a time
when Muslims were achieving victory after victory in other parts  of the world.
Without this decisive victory, the Franks and eventually the rest of Europe andEngland would have been overrun by the Umayyad Caliphate.

The Battle of ViennaOne of the last battles in history between Catholics and Muslims occurred in 1683.

The Battle of Vienna occurred when an alliance of Christian armies led by Jan III
Sobieski,  the King of Poland, gained victory over the Turks, thus saving the city of
Vienna from Islamic  rule. This would not have happened if it weren’t for
Pope Innocent XI. He recognized the danger posed by the Ottomans, and, in the
name of God and the Church, called on all the  rulers of Central Europe to unite
against their common enemy. Sobieski led a force of 40,000 Poles and their German
and Austrian allies in the victory over the Turks.

Clearly, the world known as Christendom would look completely different today had

there not been courageous religious leaders like Pope Pius V and Pope Innocent XI; and
military leaders like Charles Martel, Don Juan of Austria and King Sobieski of Poland. 
They clearly understood the battles were between Christianity and Islam, between God
and Allah.

In this new century, too many Catholics are forgetful of the spiritual battles and heroic

sacrifices of Catholics in the past. They readily accept the lie that Islam is a religion of
peace, love and brotherhood. 
The Blessed Virgin Mary very clearly declared to Her confidants (Francisco,
Jacinta and Lucia) the calamities hanging over the world are the punishments
 for the sins of men, and she added if men do not do penance and reparation,
even more terrible evils will come."

Read on to learn more about this battle against the islamists.

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