Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Beginnings of the Catholic Church?

Has any one out there actually wonder when the Catholic Church started?  Some, even some saints, think that it started on Holy Thursday: others think it's when Jesus died on the Cross on Good Friday; and there are always those who have never thought about it to any degree.  I have my own idea, which I am going to try to put down as best as I can.  Remember, it is just my idea, not from reading any saint's books or anything like that.  It is NOT binding in any degree!  I think that the days leading up to Pentecost are to teach us what really matters in our Faith.  Here goes:

On Holy Thursday, Jesus teaches us that the priesthood is the key to help us unlock the Faith.  We must have priests in our life for the Sacraments.  Also, on this day, Jesus teaches us that Holy Eucharist is to be very important in our spiritual life.  So, on this day He gives us two of the Sacraments; Ordination and Eucharist.

When our Lord dies on the Cross, Longinus opens, not just pokes, His Sacred Heart, and Blood and water come out of this opening.  Thus, He is teaching us that His Heart should be at the forefront of our thoughts, along with His Precious Blood which we honored two days ago.  Also, He teaches us that another Sacrament, Baptism, is essential to our well being, just like He did at the Jordan River when John the Baptist baptizes Him.  Another Sacrament to adhere to. 

One week after His Resurrection, He appears to the Apostles, breathes on them, and tells them that they now have the means to forgive or hold sins.  Another Sacrament, Confession.

Forty days after the Resurrection, He ascends into Heaven, thus showing us what we have to shoot for.  And, on this day, after seeing Him disappear in amazement, who is left to help them?  Mary.  They will go to her to ask for her help many times I'm sure, as we all should.

Fifty days after His Resurrection, God sends the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, Who lands on each one of them, and fills them with all of the knowledge they will need to convert the world.  They can now go anywhere, speak in their own language, and all will understand what is being said.  (And it won't be gibberish that is being passed on these days as the 'Gift of Tongues'.  Paul has told us that if we are given this gift, we should pray to be able to understand what is being said.)  Anyway, NOW they are fully armed and inspired with the knowledge of God and what will be expected of them.  They will travel everywhere and convert many, but not all.

Now that they have been completely installed as priests and taught by the Holy Spirit, they can go forward.  For this last reason, this is why I myself believe that Pentecost is the beginning of the Church, and all those other steps lead up to it. It just makes total sense to me.  We now know which Sacraments are most important to our spiritual well being; the Eucharist, Baptism, Confession, and Ordination to lead us to them.  We should also always remember His Precious Blood, His Sacred Heart, and, of course, His and our Mother, Mary




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