Monday, November 20, 2017

Our Blessed Mother

Just something else to be thankful for, Our Blessed Mother

The following is taken from the Menaea, a Greek set of books published in 1880 concerning Christianity. This prayer honors Our Blessed Mother. We would be doing something good trying to emulate her throughout the year.

O most august Queen! thou wast the untilled land that gavest us our Wheat, Jesus, the Lord and feeder of the universe; by eating this Bread we are restored to life.

Seeing our Lord made incarnate from thee, chaste Virgin! we confess thee to be in very deed the Mother of God, that didst thus become, we hesitate not to proclaim it, the cause of the regeneration of all things.

He, the Being above all beings, who was a pure spirit, took flesh to Himself from thy pure blood, O Spotless Maid! and remaining God as before, he was made flesh, and lived among men.

Nature's Laws were truly suspended in thee, most pure Virgin! for thou, most remainest a Virgin after thy delivery, as thou wast before it, for thou didst give birth to Him Who is the giver of all laws, Christ.

Spotless Mother of God! heal the passions of my wretched soul: appease my mind, tossed by the attacks of my enemy as with tempests, and bring, O Virgin, peace unto my heart.

Jesus, the divine Husbandman of the world, found thee, chaste Virgin! in the lowly valley of this earth, growing as a Rose amidst thorns. He entered thy womb, and was born of thee, refreshing us with the delicious fragrance of the knowledge of divine things.

O Virgin Mary! we acknowledge thee to be the mystic candlestick on which was placed the Light inaccessible; thereby thou hast enlightened the minds of all the faithful, and hast put to flight the darkness of sin.

Thus do we cry out to thee in words of thankful love: Hail, most pure dwelling of spiritual Light! Hail, cause of our union with God! Hail, destroyer of the curse! Hail, O thou that didst call from their exile the children of this earth.

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