Sunday, October 29, 2017


The world must conform to our Lord, not He to it."

The above quote of Fr. Fahey seems to be in opposition to those within the walls of the Church today, who appear to think that the Church has gotten it wrong for 2000 years, and now, after Vat. II, we're finally on the right path. This is a very full 'PANTLOAD!' This has come out of the statements of this past horrible 'Synod', which has closed. Some of the things which have come out of it are going to be hard to change, unless we happen to get a 'true' believer as a leader.

Anyway, these days the Social Kingship of Christ, which should be a must teaching, is conspicuously missing from the pulpits of the English-speaking world, and probably other languages too. Millions of Catholics have lived their entire lives never hearing a word on this topic. Thankfully, we are not orphaned in this regard. We can turn to one of the greatest exponents of the Kingship of Christ, Fr. Denis Fahey (1883-1954). Some people say he was crazy and 'out of touch', but he was spot on with his teachings. I have found his teachings on the Kingship of Christ, and I have entered some of it. You'll have to do some thinking.

This year marks the 92nd Anniversary of 'Quas Primas', the magnificent encyclical of Pope Pius XI. It came out in December of that year, but, since the last Sunday of October is supposed to be in honor of Christ the King, it seems appropriate to me to post these thoughts today. Fr. Fahey was around when this encyclical was first put out, and he made some comments on it. In his writings, he reiterates what the Pope had said, and adds he spin with what he discerns is what is wrong with the world and the 'new world order'. Since the Roman Catholic Church IS the one established by Christ, it is only fitting that satan should try his damndest to ruin it. Now, Fr. Fahey:

Pope Pius XI warned us that it is a grave error to say 'that Christ has no authority whatever in civil affairs, since, by virtue of the absolute empire over all creatures committed to Him by the Father, all things are in His power.' There is no part of God's creation that is not subject to His domain. There is no part of the created world--including states, governments, social institutions--that may say to Our Lord: "Your rules do not apply to us."

The more that nations turn their back on Christ, the more they open the door for satan and his fellow demons to poison the hearts and minds of men, and to bring the world into darkness and utter ruin.

Fr. Fahey's motto was unwelcome to the modern world, yet simple and true. He proclaimed repeatedly, "The world must conform to Our Lord, not He to it." In other words, for nations to prosper, to endure, to receive God's blessings, states and governments must base their laws of right and wrong on what Jesus Christ and His Holy Church teaches is right and wrong. Any other way is out of order.

Father went on to list SIX POINTS of what God's plan is, and satan's plan to subvert these teachings. They are as follows:

Point #1 of Divine Plan:
Our Lord's Mystical Body, the Catholic Church, Supernatural and Supranational, is the one and only way established by God for our ordered return to Him, and states and governments must recognize this as such.

Point #1 of satan's plan:
Preventing nations from recognizing the Catholic Church as the one true Church established by Christ. The first step toward this dis-acknowledgement is to look at all religions as equal, and to put the Catholic religion on the same level of false, man-made creeds. satan through his visible and invisible forces, seeks to promote the doctrine of separation of Church and state.

Point #2 of Divine Plan:
The indirect power of the Church over the state. That is, states and governments must recognize the Catholic Church as the sole Divinely appointed Guardian of the whole Moral Law, natural and revealed. (NOBODY has any right whatsoever to make a law which opposes God's Law!)

Point #2 of satan's plan:
Encouraging states to treat the indirect power of the Church with contempt, leaving it up to the state, or to the vote of the people, to decide all moral questions, and to decide what is legal or illegal. (Think this is happening now?)

Point #3 of Divine Plan:
The unity and indissolubility of (the Sacrament of)Marriage.

Point #3 of satan's plan:
Undermining Christian family life directly by the legalization of divorce, or indirectly, by the widespread promotion of immorality. (Again, the 2015 Synod)

Point #4 of Divine Plan:
The education of children as Members of the Mystical Body of Christ. Children must be reared in the Faith to look at everything from God's point of view, and so that the life of sanctifying grace may be developed and preserved in them.

Point #4 of satan's plan:
Preventing children from being educated as Members of Christ's Body, especially by giving children a naturalistic formation in schools, and by working to corrupt the youth primarily in moral matters. (Humanism)

Point #5 of Divine Plan:
The concentration of property into the hands of a few; either nominally in those of the state; that is, in the party in power, or in those of the money manipulators. This also aims for the complete socialization of property either in the form of everything being owned by the state, or by a few wealthy financiers.

Point #6 of Divine Plan:
An economic system wherein human beings are subordinated to the production of material goods, and this production is subordinated to the making of money and the growth of power in the hands of the financiers. Economics at the service of Christ in happy families is no longer the prime consideration.

Points 5 and 6 demand a more thorough treatment than we have space for. Fr. Fahey says that today we have a reversal of that order. Families and human beings are sacrificed for production, and production is sacrificed for money. Finance and money is now a principle of power and control. He warns that state control can only be maintained by means of financial control. However, suffice it to say, the Traditional Social teaching of the Church on these points is eclipsed by a new man-centered vision that emanated from Vat. II. The world leaders and the Church leaders are leaning too much toward 'socialism'. The Churchmen are now caught up in 'humanist social justice' concerns that are animated more by the spirit of the world and by leftist ideologies than by the spirit of Christ the King. (How about the fact that we are now offering Christ in the Eucharist to the people in the congregation, rather than to God Himself in the tabernacle, you know, that little container which the priest has his back to.)

I will end this post with words from this holy priest:

"Whatever is in harmony with this Divine Program will make for real progress. Whatever is opposed to it spells decay and death."

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