Friday, August 18, 2017


Just a note for you.  I hope you don't get caught up in the solar eclipse phenomenon which is going on in the U.S. these days.  What a waste of time!  I know that there will be people who will get eye damage.  The doctor's office will be busy, if you ask me.  People are too caught up with visual things.  If they can't see it, it must not be true.  That type of mentality.  I mean, I know it is a rarity, but I also know that people are too busy with stuff like this to bother about praying and the end of their life.  I know we are told by the 'modernists' that we all go to heaven, but this is a full PANTLOAD!  This could, however, be a sign of things to come, such as the darkness that will cover the earth toward the end of real time. 

Look at the verse, Acts 2:20, and see if this will pertain in any way to the forthcoming eclipse.

"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and manifest day of the Lord come."

This is just my opinion.  Don't bother to see the sun in its eclipse, but rather, contemplate as to whether you are ready or not for when the Lord does appear.   Watch it on TV or on your devices.  It will be better to see and for your eyes.  No part of your eye will be burned.

Remember the blind Bartimeus saying to Jesus, "That I may see."  May we still be able to see what we need to in the coming days.

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