Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sr. Lucy, on The Rosary

The following are words of Sister Lucy of Fatima concerning the Rosary:

"Mary is the first living Tabernacle where the Father enclosed His Word.  Her Immaculate Heart is the first Monstrance that sheltered Him.  Her lap and Her arms were the first altar and the first throne upon which the Son of God-made-man was adored.  There the Angels, the Shepherds, and the Wise Men of the earth adored Him.  Mary is the first who took the Son of God in Her pure and Immaculate hands and brought Him to the Temple to offer Him to the Father as a Victim for the salvation of the World."

Her words are like reading any of the saints and Theologians of the Church.  Surely she is in heaven!

The other day we had Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, where Our Lady presented the Scapular, which is the Sacramental with two cloths connected on some sort of string or cord.  With these two weapons, the Scapular and the Most Holy Rosary, we can avert anything, especially dangers to our salvation.  She said that only She can help us, and she has given us the means to do so.

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