Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday after the Ascension

I'm going to enter prayers for this Friday and tomorrow, in memory of the Ascension. This first one is taken from the Armenian Church. We are uniting with this Church, sharing in the joy felt by the holy angels, when they saw the God-Man rising form earth, and taking possession of the Highest throne in heaven. Enjoy, and think about how great these things truly are.

The Powers of heaven trembled, when they witnessed thine Ascension, O Christ, and said to each other in fear: 'Who is this King of glory?' This is God the Word made Flesh, Who put sin to death upon the Cross, and ascending in glory, entered heaven: the Lord, mighty in His power.

This is He that rose from the tomb, and destroyed death, and now comes by a glorious Ascension, to the Father: He is the Lord, mighty in war.

This is He that ascended today, by His divine power, in His Father's chariot: choirs of angels ministered to Him, and sang, saying: 'Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and the King of glory shall enter in!

The heavenly powers were amazed, and cried unto each other with tremulous voice: 'Who is this King of glory, that cometh in the Flesh and in wondrous power? Lift up, lift up your gates, O ye princes, and the King of glory shall enter in!'

The Principalities of heaven were heard singing a new canticle, and saying in a tone of glad admiration: 'It is the King of glory, the Saviour and deliverer of mankind! Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and the King of glory shall enter in!'

We have been planted together in the likeness of thy death, O Son of God! Make us worthy to be made like unto thee, O King of glory! Let the Churches of the saints sing to thee their spiritual canticles!

Thou didst crucify together with thyself the old man, and thou tookest away the sting of sin; thou gavest us liberty, by the life-giving Tree to which thou wast fastened, and thy Blood has inebriated the whole earth. Let the Churches of the saints sing to thee their spiritual canticles.

Through the mercy that led thy divine nature to assume ours, thou hast made us partakers of thy Body and Blood, by the Sacrifice of the Body thou hadst taken to thyself, a Sacrifice which thou offeredst to the Father in an odour of sweetness. Then didst thou ascend, on a bright cloud, and wast seen by the Powers and Principalities, who asked each other in wonderment: 'Who is this that cometh, in haste, from Edom?' The faithful have been taught thy manifold wisdom. Let the Churches of the saints sing to thee their spiritual canticles!

I can't imagine our Church leaders today saying anything like this. We are told that things such as this are just really 'nice' stories. What a pantload!

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