Monday, January 16, 2017


This post is in response to a comment I received concerning my posts.  I was told that they had become boring, to which I respond:

I try to incorporate as many important Feast days in my posts as I can, as well as all the Sundays, and many saint days.  I could not possibly contain all of them.  They can, however, be found in many books if you wish to read about them all.  I use 'The Liturgical Year' mostly in my posts, as the Abott Gueranger did such a wonderful job of compiling the facts over a hundred years ago.  I also use other sites, gleaning from them what I want to convey.  I also have numerous books of my own to use from, since they sometimes have other thoughts I like. 

I like to commemorate the early saints of the Church, who started the 'Catholic' Faith that Jesus Christ, our Lord, instilled into them through the Holy Ghost descending.  I like those who gave their lives for this same Faith, as well as those who fought the good fight in keeping it going whenever the world went astray.  I like the saints who are mentioned in the Canon of our Mass. I like all of the saints who fought against the 'Arian' heresy and prevailed!  And, since I am a convert, I like those who came to the Faith in the various ways they did; they inspire me.  I even took as my Patron saint Paul, who was Saul, and who had, in his life, persecuted the Church at its beginning.  I somehow feel related to him in this way, since I did the same in my own little way in the things I did in my youth and young adulthood. 

Maybe I should try to involve more of what I have been through in fighting for the Faith since becoming a Roman Catholic, if it would appease those who think the writings are boring.  If this wouldn't help, and if the saints don't help inspire these same, you need to study the Faith with real intent, and then maybe it will become clearer why I do and say the things I do and say.  Either way, I will pray that these writings inspire, and I will pray for all who visit this site.  I try to live up to my real last name, which means 'soldier' in Latin.  Go figure!  And, my initials, also in Latin, mean 'now'!

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