Saturday, December 3, 2016

Thoughts for Advent

A hymn by Charles Coffin (1676-1749)

On Jordan's banks the Baptist's voice
Now loudly strikes the ear,
"Prepare His ways, make straight His paths,
The Lord Himself is near."

Rise, then, from sleep, and in your hearts
Let these his words prevail;
Behold the heavens, the earth and seas,
Their Maker's coming hail!

Oh! let us then our souls prepare,
To meet so great a guest,
For 'tis our God Himself who comes,
To make us truly blest.

Rise, then, from sleep, and in your hearts
Let these his words prevail;
Behold the heavens, the earth and seas,
Their Maker's coming hail!

Oh! may our souls again revive
By His refreshing grace;
Then may He bind our stubborn wills,
And every stain efface.

Rise, then, from sleep, and in your hearts
Let these his words prevail;
Behold the heavens, the earth and seas,
Their Maker's coming hail!

Jesus, Thou art our only hope,
Sole comfort in our grief;
like the parched clay our hearts must be,
Unless Thou bring'st relief.

Rise, then, from sleep, and in your hearts
Let these his words prevail;
Behold the heavens, the earth and seas,
Their Maker's coming hail!

To Him who came the world to save,
Eternal glory be!
The Mighty Father, equal praise,
And Holy Ghost to Thee!

Rise, then, from sleep, and in your hearts
Let these his words prevail;
Behold the heavens, the earth and seas,
Their Maker's coming hail!

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