Monday, November 7, 2016


This is a reprint of the other day, with a few extras.

For all of you 'severely backward' Catholics, listen up! Now that the so-called 'debates' for the presidency are done, I have some things for you to think about. I said the other day what 'Hill' said concerning Catholics. Now, a short synopsis of this evil 'B***h' is really about. John Vennari of 'The Catholic Family News' newspaper has done an expose for all to see concerning "Hill'. I hope he doesn't mind me writing what he says so to get the word out.

First of all; We can believe nothing H. C. says. This is because Hillary is a devoted disciple of the left-wing radical Saul Alinsky (just like B.O.) who taught as a foundational principle that the end justifies the means.

Hill'ary' was enamored with Alinsky while in high school and college, communicated with him, considered working with him, brought him in to speak at Wellesley, and wrote her undergraduate thesis on him. "Hill'ary' was magnetically drawn to Alinsky, and he, apparently to her. Alinsky seems to have seen in Hill'ary' a younger version of himself."
Dinesh D'Sousa, 'Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party'

Alinsky even offered Hill'ary' a job but she declined in order to attend Yale Law school.

In 1971, Alinsky published what is to this day his most popular and influential book: Rules for Radicals, A Pragmatic Primary for Realistic Radicals.

The book opens with Alinsky's infamous epigraph to the devil. Here Alinsky writes:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical; from all our legends, mythology, and history...the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom---LUCIFER.

Alinsky lays out his foundational principles in the first chapter of the book. Alinsky claims:

1) There is no such thing as dogma, all truth is relative;

2) There is no such thing as a fixed rule of ethics, the end justifies the means;

3) Corruption in the leader is a kind of virtue.

...This alone indicates that we can believe nothing Hill'ary' C. says. As a disciple of Alinsky, she will hold there is no objective truth, the ends justify the means, and there is no fixed standard of ethics. She will be as ruthless and dishonest as the situation warrants. If she believe is necessary to lie, she will lie. If it is in her advantage to cheat, she will cheat. If she must crush someone who gets in the way, she will crush. (She is obviously working for the dark side)

This is just a smattering of what Mr. Vennari says. If this doesn't slap you back to reality, I feel sorry for your soul when you croak. You will probably see 'Hill' throughout your eternity (unless somehow she wakes up and repents). This pathetic excuse for a person seems to be the best that the 'AMORAL' Democratic party has to offer. That is so sad. She definitely is NOT qualified to be the leader of the 'free' world. And, remember, for a Catholic to vote for someone who supports abortion, you have in fact excommunicated yourself from the fold of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, no matter what our fine spineless leaders want to have you believe. Think very carefully this year when casting your vote.

And remember, her running mate, Tim Kaine, a supposed Catholic, says that he knows what the Church teaches concerning abortion, and says that he rejects it. (Good luck to you Mr, K. with that mind set when you go to meet the Judge)

Once again, let's doo our best to se that she doesn't get the nod.

Our Lady, Patroness of the Americas, please pray for us and our country.

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