Saturday, July 30, 2016

The political war begins!

Now that the 'immoral' party has finished its convention, the battle begins. The 'demo', as in demolition, party stands for everything that is immoral. Abortion, same sex anything, socialism, etc. The crazy b***h has won her party's nomination, as if it was ever in question. They have gone right down the script. Bernie was just a huge bump that she and her people squashed. Maybe the majority of his voters hate her enough to cast their votes elsewhere. You know something's wrong when ALL of the media is for her. Those who think differently are just 'stupid'! It's time for thinking people to wake up and see what's really going on in the U.S. and the world. Socialism, communism, the masons, and anything immoral. All supporters of these and their like brothers are for her to become president. What a travesty it will be for us all if that happens.

Just a note for us all: If you are going to call yourself Catholic, you need to know what the Church has ALWAYS taught concerning politicians who support abortion. If you vote for them, you are excommunicated from the Church. If a priest or any leader tells you anything different, they are dead WRONG! They are among those who do not know the Catholic Faith, which is the only church initiated by Jesus Christ Himself. All others are cheap knockoffs. They might have bits and pieces of the eternal Truth, but the Catholic Church has it ALL! We are all called to this One. Anyone who sincerely looks through the history of Christianity; from Jerusalem to Antioch, will eventually end up in Rome. Only if they are sincere, of course.

Anyway, I will be repeating this for the next few months. Even when 'Slick Willy' was in the White House, the Secret Service wondered many times if they should go into rooms when there was arguing to protect Bill, because they were afraid that his wife would cause him bodily harm. He was just as immoral as she is, and, rightly so, because of his infidelity. We shall see in the next couple of months just how nasty she can be.

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