Thought for the day:

"Give me grace to amend my life, and to have an eye to mine end, without grudge of death, which to them that die in thee,
good Lord, is the gate of a wealthy life."
St. Thomas More


"Three things are necessary for the salvation of man; to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do."
St. Thomas Aquinas

Rights of Man?

"The people have heard quite enough about what are called the 'rights of man'. Let them hear about the rights of God for once". Pope Leo XIII Tamesti future, Encyclical


All souls owe their eternity to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, many have turned their back to him.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

1st Saturday of Our Lady

This picture is Our Lady of Holy Hope.

Today we honor the Blessed Mother. Let us pretend that we are invited to the marriage at Cana. Marriage is a great Sacrament. It is to be enjoyed by a heterosexual union, between a man and a woman. Period! Our Blessed Mother didn't say much in the Holy Scriptures, but when she did, it is well worth listening to and heeding. At Cana, all she said according to Scripture was: "Do whatever He tells you to do." How much clearer can it get than that?

Grant, O Lord, we beseech Thee, that we thy servants may enjoy constant health of body and mind; and by the glorious intercession of Blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, be delivered from all present sorrows, and come to that joy which is eternal. Amen.

Act of Reparation to be recited on the First Saturdays

Most holy Virgin and our Mother, we listen with grief to the complaints of thy Immaculate Heart surrounded with the thorns which ungrateful men place therein at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. Moved by the ardent desire of loving thee as our Mother and of promoting a true devotion to thy Immaculate Heart, we prostrate ourselves at thy feet to prove the sorrow we feel for the grievances that men cause thee, and to atone, by means of our prayers and sacrifices, for the offenses with which men return thy tender love.

Obtain for them and for us the pardon of so many sins. A word from thee will obtain grace and amendment for us all.

Hasten, O Lady, the conversion of sinners, that they may love Jesus and cease to offend the Lord, already so much offended, and will not fall into hell.

Turn thine eyes of mercy towards us, that henceforth we may love God with all our heart while on earth and enjoy Him forever in heaven. Amen

Remember this:

In dangers, in anguish, in doubt, think of Mary, call upon Mary. If she holds you, you will not fall. If she guards you, you have nothing to fear. With her as your guide, you will never grow weary. With her at your side, you will surely reach port.

St. Bernard

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