Saturday, May 28, 2016

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi

This Sunday is the Sunday within the octave of Corpus Christi, or the Second Sunday after Pentecost. We will probably get the Corpus Christi Mass, along with all the readings, then. I personally think our leaders have once again missed the boat, since Thursday is the day Christ established the Holy Eucharist. Thursday should be the most honored day every week.

Watch the fishermen(Bishops) go off into the sunset, leaving behind their catch, the believers, to get choked in the net of today's indifference. This, apparently, is one boat they haven't missed!

There they go!

The Holy Eucharist has been instituted for the very purpose of ceaselessly applying, here on earth, the reality of Christ's Sacrifice.

I am going to insert the hymn for 'Compline' from yesterday because it says soooo much about the Holy Eucharist. If you want to read my thoughts on Corpus Christi, see Thursday's post. Here's the Compline:

Christ is truly our meat, Christ is truly our drink; the Flesh of Christ is truly our meat, the Blood of Christ is truly our drink.

The true Flesh which he took from the Virgin, is what we eat; the true Blood, which He shed for man, is what we drink.

In this banquet, the Word made Flesh is truly eaten; it is on Him that our worship rests, and by Him that we enter heaven.

This Bread, which is all full of sweetness and grace, is the King of eternal glory, that was carried in the Virgin's womb.

Let us feed on the richness of Angel's Bread; that we may find delight in the sweetness of a viaticum so full of mercy.

O thou heavenly banquet! O glory of the redeemed! O repose of the humble! grant us eternal joys.

Grant, O Father, through thy Son; grant, through the Spirit of love, that we, to whom thou givest such nourishment as this, may be brought by thee to a prosperous end. Amen.

In case we do hear the readings from this Sunday, we pretty much hear that we need to get off our rear ends and ACT! This can't be such a bad thing to do. We need to pray for perseverance, and for the conversion of the leaders in the Church, all the way to the top, that they realize their errors and reform before they croak and come 'face to Face' with their Maker.

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