Saturday, February 13, 2016

We're in trouble now

R.I.P. Judge Antonin Scalia. He passed away this morning at the age of 79, after serving on the Court for 30 years. Not only was he a loyal Roman Catholic, but he attended the Traditional Mass of all times, but he was a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, which gives us the right to bear arms and defend ourselves and our families. His Faith was prominent in his decisions. Now, the initials B.O. have a real reason for us to be more afraid than before. He will get to appoint another extreme lib-tard to the ranks of the Supreme Court of the United States. More of our rights are going to disappear before he leaves office. You can bet on that!

Anyway, say prayers for Judge Scalia. I think he was a faithful servant of the Lord. He also has a son who is a Priest, and having a child who enters the religious life is a blessing. Way to go, Dad!

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