Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I've had enough! Some things in the news of late have provoked me to no end. Just thinking about them has made me miss my afternoon nap, and that makes me testy. First of all, the democratic candidates for the 'big' house in Washington. Of course, you realize, that both of the front-runners are 'Socialist'. Not just Bernie. That's what we will get come November, if the republican party doesn't get their collective head on straight. Only one of them actually tells it like it is. The others are just now starting to copy him. He is the only one with gonads big enough to speak out and who is not 'politically correct'. Sorry, Carly.

And now, with the city of Flint, Michigan, making the national news because of their water, this also irks me. The democrats are calling for the resignation of the 'RINO' governor. Has everyone forgot about the mayor of Flint, as well as the previous mayors, and previous governors of the state not making this problem prevalent news? As if it's all the present governor's fault. This is what democrats do for a living. BITCH! Even the totally ignorant M. Moore has jumped on the bandwagon, demanding rights. And, the pathetic 'woman' running to get her old house back has gone so far to call this situation 'racist'. FACT! The city of Flint also has many 'honkies' living there, so this is NOT racist, to say the least.

This is what democrats do. They don't have any real solutions; they just want republicans out! They will do anything to achieve this. Lying is their best option. They have even brought in the group of racist losers, who have been in Ferguson, Chicago, New York, etc., to the city of Flint. 'ALL LIVES MATTER' should be their slogan, not just singling out one group over another.

The democratic party in the good ole US of A is, what I call, the 'AMORAL' party of the states. They stand for everything against what God Himself wants for us. They are 'smarter' than us, know what is best for us, and want us all to be in line with our hands out, praising the government for everything that comes our way. Totally 'bass-ackwards', if you ask me. We're too stupid to figure anything out for ourselves. WE need the government to do that for us.

Hopefully, this 'venting' has made me feel a little better. Still, I missed my nap! Nuf said!

ps. These pictures will appear throughout this election year. You are forewarned!

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