Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Pope's Epiphany day

Following is what the 'Pope' did on the Feast day of the Epiphany. Scandalous, to say the least. He is either the stupidest person to hold the chair, or the most cunning. Either way, he is NOT a true Catholic! Thank you 'Angel Queen'. You'll have to go the site to see the video. I didn't bother.

“On the Feast of the Epiphany, the Pope gives us baby Jesus–alongside a Jewish menorah, a statue of the Buddha, and a set of Muslim prayer beads inscribed with ‘Allahu Akbar!'” – Oakes Spalding at

Posted by Vox Cantoris
Thursday, 7 January 2016

Who will stand up to Jorge Bergoglio for what he has written and said in the video below. One can sit down with those of other religions but one cannot do it without preaching that there is only one, true religion. Only one Faith that is ultimate truth, only one path to salvation.

Who would dare equate Our Lord Jesus Christ come to Earth as a baby, the WORD MADE FLESH with a pagan such as the Buddha or the false religion of Mahomet. The Menorah, we can accept as an ancient symbol of our Faith, as Catholicism is Judaism fulfilled. The rest is a mockery, a blasphemy to equate them as equivalent to an image of the baby Jesus.

Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded His Church to convert the world and preach the “good news” of salvation to all people. Through baptism by water and the Holy Spirit and by believing in Our Lord Jesus Christ and following the teachings of the Church and a sacramental life.

There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. (And, God is NOT mocked!)

I can say no more lest it be to use the “H” word. The words of Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome are unadulterated syncretism and religious indifferentism.

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