Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thoughts of Mary

As we are about to enter the season of Advent, I thought I'd start out with somethings for us to think about. First, to start us off, a quote from St. Louis Marie de Montfort:

"Mary has produced, together with the Holy Ghost, the greatest thing which has been, or ever will be, which is the God-Man: and she will consequently produce the greatest things that there will be in the latter time. The formation and education of the great Saints who shall come at the end of the world are reserved for Mary."

And another quote; this time from D. Roberto in his writing 'The Love of Mary':

Mary is the true Mother of God; she conceived Him by the operation of the Holy Ghost; she formed His Body with her blood; she clothed God with her own flesh. She bore Him nine months in the most pure womb; she brought Him forth without stain of her virginal purity; she nursed and brought Him up, and He was subject to her, He obeyed her, loved her, and honored her, His true mother. She may well say to the God made man, 'Thy Flesh is my flesh, Thy Blood is my blood; I gave it to man, Thy Flesh is my flesh, Thy Blood is my blood; I gave it to Thee when I conceived Thee, when I nursed Thee.' "The Flesh of Jesus," says St. Augustine, "is the flesh of Mary; and although it was exalted by the glory of the Resurrection, it still remained the same as He had received from Mary."

Let us try to honor her this Advent season, just as the saints did (and still do).

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