Monday, September 7, 2015

This and that

Today's post has me venting about some things which are happening in the world. First, concerning the 'Doctor' who has already been tried and sentenced for killing the lion Cecil. Why not go after the guide too? The people calling for the doctor's head, probably don't give a fig concerning aborted babies. You know, the innocent ones who are either poisoned in the womb, or are partially born, with their little head sticking out, only to have their brains sucked out. Where's the outcry for these, other than the 'right-to-life' people. Even from those professing to be Catholic.

Next, on to the woman in Kentucky, sticking up for her religious beliefs, and getting thrown into jail for it. Are we prepared if we are arrested for our Faith? Granted, she should just do the job and pray for those trying to force their beliefs on her. Everyone seems to have 'rights' except Christians.

Next up: Hillary. Do we really want this psycho bee-och, with her lies, her making light of her lies, and her general cold attitude for anything truthful. She is about as dishonest as they get.
I have always said that the Democratic party is the 'AMORAL' party. They stand up for everything that God despises! Also, get used to this picture of Ms. Pantsuit. I will be using it often in the upcoming months.

And, finally, to the 'holy' Father. What is he thinking in his views, anyway? Now, he wants every Catholic household throughout Europe to give shelter to these 'immigrants' who are running from their homeland, instead of staying and fighting. Are we really supposed to house those who don't share our Faith? Those who want to hurt or kill us if we don't convert to their 'peaceful religion'. Those who are going to be spread all over Europe, just ready to attack and install Sharia law when the time is right. Sure, there might be some decent people among them, but I think the majority is NOT!
It's like a really, really bad dream.

Just sayin'.

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