Friday, June 26, 2015

The United States of Sodom and Gomorrah

JUNE 26, 2015, a date that will live in infamy!

Well, they've done it! The Supreme Court of the United States of America, the 'once' pillar of right and wrong, has 'legitimized' homosexual marriage. Shame on them! But, I guess we're getting what we deserve, since the days when we expelled God from schools and court-houses in the last 50+ years.

We're going to have to step up prayers a lot. Just think of the vast number of souls that will be lost to the devil. He is probably salivating like a baby when getting strained foods for the first time. Maybe our countryside will be covered with pillars of salt in the near future. Our ONLY hope is our Lady holding back the mighty arm of her Son from destroying our once beautiful country. Although, we deserve it.

Just remember, our SCOTUS is NOT the voice of God. He is still the One Who will judge us when we croak, no matter what 'humanity' seems to think!

One of the few who seem to have morals, Justice Antonin Scalia, said this:

"A system of government that makes the people subordinate to a committee of nine unelected lawyers does not deserve to be called a democracy." (Pretty much says it all, given the point that we have become a 'socialist' country. And, do you think that the coloring of the 'white house' was already planned?)

PRAY MUCH! It's all we seem to have left.

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