Wednesday, May 20, 2015

An Interesting Day indeed!

Today my wife and I, along with about 25 more people, attended something that is worth mentioning. The 'American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property' were in our area. Two gentlemen were making the presentation. They seemed very knowledgeable in regards to the world crises. They were bringing with them a statue of 'Our Lady of Fatima'. This particular one travels throughout the Midwest. We saw a video concerning Our Lady's message at Fatima 98 years ago. It is still prevalent today. We are just not told of Fatima or its message, which concerns troubles within the Church and the world since 1917, when She appeared to three children in Portugal. These prophecies have and are coming true as we speak. Then we were urged to recite the Holy Rosary for a cure of all of these problems. The Lady of the statue seemed to me, at least, concerned. At times, some people see other expressions on her face. The consecration of which she asked for way back then still has NOT been done per her requests. Go figure! Anyway, it was an inspiring day, to say the least. And, it was encouraging, seeing so many young people. Hopefully, in the future they will remember what Our Lady had said in the past.

These pictures probably don't do the statue justice, but it is what I can do with my limited knowledge of computers. Our statue at home is, in our judgment, very pretty, but this one seemed to be more realistic concerning what we envision of her thoughts in present times. The wishes Our Lady made 98 years ago in Fatima were these, divided into three parts, which are for us as individuals:

1. Prayer, especially the recitation of the Rosary and the Five First Saturday Devotion.

2. Sacrifices, offered both as an act of reparation for the sins against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners, especially those in immediate danger of going to hell. (Which is a real place)

3. Amendment of life in order to stop offending God and to obtain graces and blessings from Heaven.

These seem simple enough. When, upon getting up in the morning, offer your entire day, along with all you do, for your daily offerings. God will accept them, no matter how insignificant they seem to be. And, if you're cognizant at the time of each act, offer them individually.

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