Saturday, April 25, 2015

Our Lady of Saturdays

This is Our Lady of Mercy

Saturdays always bring us back to Mary, our Blessed Mother. Before taking possession of the Church, which was to be proclaimed before all nations on the day of Pentecost, the God-Man made a worthy prelude to this kingly possession by uniting Himself with her, who is so deservedly styled the Mother and representative of the human race. This was Mary! Of the family of David, Abraham, and Shem; immaculate, from the first moment of her existence, as were our first parents when they came from their Creator's hands; and destined for the grandest honor which could be conferred on a mere creature; Mary was, during her sojourn here on earth, the inheritance and co-operatrix of the Incarnate Word: she was the Mother of all the living. She, in her single person, was what the Church, collectively, has been from the day of its foundation. Her office of Mother of God surpasses all her other glories; still, we must not overlook, but on the contrary, admire and love them.

Following is another hymn, taken from the ancient Churches of Germany, and we celebrate her Seven Joys.

Rejoice, O Virgin, Star of the Sea, dearest Spouse of Christ! for the angel of our salvation announced to thee an exceeding great joy. cleanse us from our sins, O Virgin Mother! and speak to our heart of the joys that never end.

Rejoice, O spotless Mother! in that thou didst conceive of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth thy Child, as the star emits its ray. Grant that we may ever be fruitful in works of salvation. Take these barren hearts of ours, and by thy merciful prayers make them fertile.

Rejoice, O beautiful Lily! at the adoration and gifts paid by the Magi to thy new-born Babe. O happy Mother! pray that we may ever imitate them, and give to God what their gifts signified.

Rejoice, O Mother! at the praises spoken by Simeon, when, at thy presenting the Child in his arms. Grant, we beseech thee, that we may serve thy Son with purity and earnestness of heart.

Rejoice, and with all thy soul's power be glad at thy Son's rising from the grasp of death. Mercifully obtain for us that we may rise from our sis, and have our hearts set free from the pressure of its many vices.

Rejoice in that thou hadst the happiness to see thy Son ascend into heaven, where He is seated on His Father's throne. Grant that at the end of the world we may without fear welcome His return.

Rejoice, O Virgin of virgins! who after thy life's course was run, wast raised up by thy sweet Jesus above the stars. Grant that we miserable creatures may be raised from our sins, and after this miserable life be led to our true country. Amen.

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