Thursday, April 30, 2015


I just heard about this today, but this is about someone worth remembering. A true soldier for the Truth, and a true son of Mary.

Father Nicholas Gruner,
May 4, 1942 — April 29, 2015

The Management Team of the Fatima Center sadly announces the death of Father Nicholas Gruner, who passed away suddenly this evening (April 29). Father died at his office, working to his last breath on the goals to which he dedicated his 38 years in the priesthood — the promotion of the Message of Fatima, especially the release of the full Third Secret and the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.

Details concerning the visitation and funeral for Father will be announced in the upcoming days. For now, in your charity, please pray for Father and for his Apostolate, which will continue to seek to bring his life's work to a successful conclusion.

Nobody, but nobody, did more to promote Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal, and her message than Fr. Nicholas Gruner, the 'Fatima Priest'. He knew more about Fatima than anyone I can think of. He was so humble and gracious when talking to anyone. We went to a conference a few years ago where Fr. Gruner was also there. This priest was in the Confessional pretty much the entire time when he wasn't scheduled to speak.

One thing of our involvement with him will be this: At the conference mentioned above, we took our daughter's wedding dress with us, gave it to Father, and his ladies who work for him accepted it and made a Cape for the Fatima statue which Father would take around the world. The dress has been to more places than I can even think of, or will ever go. So, if you see the statue with a cape on it, think of us. Prayers are always accepted.

The world has lost a great crusader for the eternal Truth and for the Mother of Jesus, Mary. Will we get another to try to fill these shoes? Only time will tell, if we have any left.

I'll bet you anything that Mary opened her arms to greet this crusader, another son of hers; one who fought for her for 38 years. Fr. Gruner, requiescat in pace

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