Saturday, April 25, 2015

Cardinal Sarah

The Christians in the continent of Africa are dying daily. These people are dying for the Faith, not just someone's twisted beliefs. One Cardinal Sarah, is asking for some true Doctrine to start coming out of the Vatican. He doesn't want 'pap' anymore; he has laid down the gauntlet to the resident of Rome.

Rorate Caeli issues the news of Cardinal Sarah openly warning Francis & Co. about the heresy of detaching the Magisterium from pastoral practice.

His words are brutally clear, and I quote them here again. The emphasis is, I think, Rorate’s.

“The idea that would consist in placing the Magisterium in a nice box by detaching it from pastoral practice — which could evolve according to the circumstances, fads, and passions — is a form of heresy, a dangerous schizophrenic pathology. I affirm solemnly that the Church of Africa will firmly oppose every rebellion against the teaching of Christ and the Magisterium.”

He probably will be chastised just like Cardinal Burke was. I mean, "How DARE anyone defend the Church, its Tradition, its Dogma, and all that other nonsense?"

Robert Sarah (born 15 June 1945) is a Guinean priest and Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He was appointed as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments by Pope Francis on 23 November 2014.[1] He previously served as secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum.

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