Monday, April 13, 2015

Amorality rules!

The beeeotch is back; as if she ever left. She is throwing her multiple hats into the ring for presidency of the US. It wouldn't surprise me if she made it, since we have already had the greatest congame and abuse of the Constitution since its inception. We have someone in there right now who was NOT even eligible, running and ruining the world, and no one seems to bat an eyelash! This time, the seemingly only 'libtard' in the race has announced her pant-suited waddle for that same seat! I say the 'only' because, have we heard of anyone else running? The media has already made up their collective mind!

However, I must say this: Whoever votes for or supports anyone who is for abortion in any way has incurred a MORTAL SIN for their soul in the eyes of God, therefore making them ineligible to receive heaven. So-called Catholics are in danger of losing their souls with their misguided endeavors. All will be in mortal sin, but Catholics more so, since they should know better. And, it they don't, shame on them! And, shame on the teachers who taught them their error. If these 'catholics' go to Holy Communion, they have incurred yet another mortal sin on their soul. Think about how many politicians who call themselves 'catholic' are running a huge risk. They think they are of the non-stick variety.

The other party doesn't seem to have anyone worthy either. They are all two-faced! The 'Tea Party' at least have morals; but even they have been infiltrated with some 'liberal' ideas by some.

It looks like we will get a 'golden swirly' once again. But, we are getting what we deserve, and it is because people have given in to immorality and rejected the only ONE Who can help us. If it wasn't for His Mother holding back His arm, we would just be crumbs at the bottom of the toaster!

Please say NO to this poor wreck of a person.

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