Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Just a quick note. Are we in the end times? Everything is upside down. Right is wrong, and wrong is right! The 'catholic' church is in disarray. People are NOT taught right from wrong. God doesn't chastise anyone. Everything is hunky-dory, right? Newer converts are ignorant of the eternal Truth sent forth by Jesus Himself and His Apostles. 80+% of those in the pews don't believe in the Real Presence anymore. He is handled like a playing card, or sucked up in a sweeper if fragments fall to the floor. (Check out the 'Angel's prayer to the right. It is for our times, for sure.) Who's at fault for this unbelief in the pews? Our leaders! They will be held accountable at their demise for not teaching the Truth that has been passed on for almost 2000 years. They have taught what they learned, which is pap! What I say is this: You can reject His mercy if you choose to, but you cannot escape His justice. Just sayin'

This reminds me of a joke which is not really funny. I'm going to share it:

Satan was sending three of his apostles into the world to create havoc. He asked the first one what he will do. The response was that he would tell the people that there was no God. The 'boss' said that this was fine, but he probably wouldn't get that many to accept it. When asked the same question, the second said that he would teach that there was no 'satan'. The 'boss' said this was fine, but not that many would accept this either. Upon asking the third what he would do to reap souls for 'his' earthly kingdom, he responded that he would tell the people that they have a lot of time left.

Do you have a lot of time left? Every instance of a new breath is one step closer to your end and judgment.

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