Friday, February 13, 2015


I am posting this site for those who subscribe wholeheartedly to M. Voris and his sites. There seems to be more controversy with other sites, once again, where he and his people, attack The Remnant, Catholic Family News, Angelus Press, and those responsible for putting these publishing works together, etc. M.V. does a lot of good, but when he attacks other true believers, he steps over the line. I was going to re-post one from last year concerning the same topic, but decided to use this update instead. NOTE: We do NOT attack those on the same side of the Eternal Truth! This causes division in the ranks of True believers. And, we all know who is best at that. Satan himself! You know, divide and conquer. The problem, in my opinion, is that MV's site acts like we do not have the right to attack the Pope or his people, on ANYTHING! True, we do not attack the Pope or those in union with him, as they are successors of the Apostles. However, we do have the right, and even the duty, to proclaim the Truths that come to us from the Apostles, and, if anyone teaches anything different, to correct them and their errors. PERIOD! All of the 'legitimate' saints throughout history have pointed this out. Pope Francis has made almost daily statements that do NOT conform with Eternal Truth, which he is suppose to uphold. He attacked 'Traditionalists' when in Argentina, and shut down 'Traditional' Masses when there. We do NOT have the right to sit by and let whatever comes to us from the Bishops, and the Bishop of Bishops himself, when anything against what the Apostles taught is pushed on us. We must pray for the Holy Father and those in union with him, that they see the error of their teachings, so that they can repent before they croak. This is what we can and what we must do. Did NOT St. Paul withstand St. Peter to his face when our first Pope was in error which was concerning whether or not we have to be circumcised to be saved? Yes, he did. Peter realized his error and corrected his stance afterwards, I'm sure, through prayer. Our obligation is to promote the Faith in its entirety. This is our leaders' job, but the believers seem to be the ones who need to help out when we can.

Louie Verrecchio responds to Michael Voris' lastest attack on Traditional ("reactionary") Catholics.
You might need to copy/paste this address onto the line above where you go to sites. I guess I'm not capable to do it myself here. Sorry!
Go to:

Video runs about 14 minutes. He also gives a common sense response to the claim that SSPX is in "schism".

Good work, Louie!

Hope you find it useful.

If you want to keep your Faith, the above-mentioned publications are the ones to subscribe to.

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