Monday, February 16, 2015

2nd Anniversary for Pope Francis

The 13th of this month was the second anniversary for the Pope, Francis. He IS the Pope, not just the Bishop of Rome which he prefers. He has done a shake up in things. He says not to be judgmental, which is right. God alone judges. However, he, as well as all the clergy, have the obligation to teach the Eternal Truth and correct those in error. They can't just say that everything is just hunky-dory. To do and say that is a giant pantload.

Following is something I picked up from one of my sites I read. He is talking about the 'Holy' in the title 'Holy Father'. I'm not saying this Pope is holy or unholy. Some of what he says is spot on. Help the impoverished, feed the hungry, etc. This is all good. However, I sincerely hope he doesn't plan on selling anything in the Vatican off to the highest bidder so that he can feed the poor. And, he desperately needs to stick to the plan of God Himself, Jesus Christ, and teach what we all need to hear, and this is the untainted Truth in its entirety. Now, some comments:

'Thankfully we have the writings of one of the greatest mystical writers of the spiritual life in the 20th Century: Blessed Abbot Marmion, a great Benedictine abbot, who, based on the teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas, wrote about this very point:

Holiness consists of a double element: it has a negative [absent] element and a positive [present] element.

First, we have to start with the holiness of God. In God holiness is the infinite distance from all that is sin, from all that is imperfect, from all that is impure. He is infinitely free from every spot or stain or shadow of imperfection.

That’s the negative aspect, but the positive aspect is that God adheres by an always-present act of His will to the infinite goodness which is Himself in order to conform Himself entirely to all that infinite goodness is.

Now once we know what that model of holiness is, we see that this model is what we see in Our Lord Jesus Christ. He was infinitely free from every spot or stain or shadow of corruption, and He always adhered by an ever-present act of His will to the infinite good which was Himself.

The same model of holiness we see for Our Blessed Mother. She was without stain of sin, She was born without Original Sin, She was free from every spot, stain or shadow of corruption and She always adhered by an act of Her will to the infinite good which is God, in order to conform Herself to His infinite goodness. The same model of holiness is the model for us.

So now we have a better idea of what we see with “Holy Father”, that the Holy Father himself must teach a doctrine that is free from every spot, stain or shadow of corruption, be free from all error, confusion and ambiguity, and he must also teach a doctrine that adheres to the infinite good which is God Himself, to the true and genuine Catholic doctrine taught throughout the centuries.'

So this is what holiness is, this is the Holy Father’s duty, and as the Message of Fatima says, we must pray a great deal for the Holy Father, and thus we must pray a great deal for Pope Francis.

Pope St. Pius X: The First Duty
of the Pope is Ensure Purity of Doctrine

In the first lines of Pascendi, the 1907 Encyclical against Modernism, Pius stated that one of the "primary obligations assigned by Christ to the office divinely committed to Us of feeding the Lord's flock is that of guarding with the greatest vigilance the deposit of the faith delivered to the saints, rejecting the profane novelties of words and the gainsay of knowledge falsely so called". He explains that in the face of this Modernist heresy, "We may no longer keep silence, lest We should seem to fail in Our most sacred duty ...”

St. Pius X, pray for the Holy Father and for us, that we all remain true to the teachings of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

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