Thursday, December 25, 2014


Christ is born today of a Virgin. Our redemption is at hand. In this season of giving, God the Father has given us the greatest Gift of all, His Son. Come, let us adore Him!

Glory to our newborn King!

Born in a dark, cold cave,
Light of the World,
Word made Flesh of humble handmaid
King of kings made Himself poor
sinners’ slave, miscreants’ knave…
crucified on wooden stave

Born in abject poverty
of lowly handmaid’s virginity
Fruit of the womb, conceived without sin
for them no room left in the inn.
For Him, the Star of Bethlehem,
the King, by Whom mankind was made,
by Whose Blood our debt was paid.

Nowhere for the Son of Man
to lay His regal crown,
no place, no space for His Grace,
Savior of the human race.

In King David’s town
a lowly shepherds’ stable,
all that could be found
for the Good Shepherd;
Humility profound.

Star shone brightly overhead
o’er Bethlehem, House of Bread,
illuminating the Infant’s bed,
a wooden trough
from which beasts were fed,
ox and ass in Master’s shed.
His parents' tears of joy;
Word Made Flesh, our Living Bread,
Magnificent Baby Boy!

Shepherds hasten from field nearby
to worship Him; the prophets’ cry,
the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God,
Divine Son, cloaked in human bod;
pious retinue gathered ‘round
brilliant Babe hallowed ground
in humble homage, they bowed down.

How can this be?
Eternal Wisdom, Infinity,
Maker of land and sea,
housed within a tiny body of flesh and blood.

The Incorrupt, the Most Holy,
dons corruptible humanity,
bearing Adam’s depravity,
clothed in the habit of sinful man.

The Alpha and Omega,
who can understand?
The Beginning and the End,
who can comprehend?
The Son of God,
the Most High,
most low does descend.

Hark! the herald angels sing;
Glory to our newborn King
we render Him hymns of praise,
to Him we tender, our hearts, we raise
Sursum corda! to Christ our King:
Wonderful, Counsellor,
God the Mighty, Prince of Peace,
Joy of heaven and earth,
Maker of His Blessed Mother,
Divine Child of Virgin Birth

What mind can grasp?
What eye can see?
who can fathom the depth,
the riches, the sublimity,
the wonder of this Mystery,
the Majesty, the Magnanimity.

God’s ineffable Charity,
Thy great Gift to humanity…
O Most Blessed Nativity!

Benediction, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, honour, and power, and strength to our God for ever and ever. Amen.


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