Wednesday, November 26, 2014


The following is a post of the past, and I think it is still important. And, I am unanimous in this decision.

I would like to attempt to write something concerning the Hail Mary in the most Holy Rosary of Our Blessed Mother, Mary. I know this has been done eleventy billion times, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway. In writing this, I'm going to try to make everyone understand that while praying the Rosary, we should be consciously aware of what we are saying while contemplating the mysteries. Most people say the Rosary way too fast, in order to just get it over and done with. We are not really thinking about the mystery. Remember, all time is present to God at all times. Keeping this in mind, when we say the Rosary of our Lady, we are present with her at each event. Whether we are a spectator in the crowd, shepherd of the flock, a flea on the ox in the stable, whatever; we need to focus on what we are saying. Remember, pray the Rosary, not just say the Rosary. We can be beside John at the Cross, or one of the women weeping. We could be in the Temple when Jesus is presented, or hiding in the Garden when He is arrested. Or maybe, we are taking Him to Herod and Pilate and Annas.

The Rosary was given to us through St. Dominic, even though she was honored hundreds of years before. She told him how she wanted it said. Let's start:

'Hail Mary',: This is we start each 'Ave'. She is hailed by all who are real Christians.
Actually, the Archangel Gabriel said: "Hail, full of Grace". We all are given graces by God when we do things that please Him. However, our Blessed Mother was 'full' of grace when the Angel appeared. She was most in line with the teachings of God. He even spared her the taint of 'original sin' at her conception. She was to be the 'new' Ark of the New Covenant, Jesus Himself. Therefore, she had to be as clean as possible. And we know, that nothing is impossible with God. The Angel did NOT say: 'Hail, oh highly favored daughter.' PERIOD!

'The Lord is with thee;'. God has found favor with her. She is the most pleasing person the world has ever known, and nobody else will ever reach that pinnacle.

'Blessed art thou among women,'. She is the most blessed woman ever, and she will be called blessed to the end of the world. Think about this; whenever we say this part, we are imitating an Archangel, Gabriel, who God sent to her to announce the great things that were to happen! Also, we imitate Elizabeth, when she also said these words. We're in good company whenever we use these words.

'and Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus'. The angel did not have the name of Jesus in his salutation, but was added later by Our Lady to St. Dominic and the Church. Blessed does not justify the Holy Name of Jesus; we can not say this part without seeing the Truth of the awesomeness of a person having this greeting from a being sent by God, one of the seven Archangels before the throne of Him in heaven.

'Holy Mary',. She is the holiest woman ever, and was chosen to bear the Christ Child. She said yes.

'Mother of God',. Do you realize how awesome this title is? The Mother of God! The Mother of Him Who will judge each one of us when we reach the edge of eternity. She will be there to intercede for us at that moment.

'Pray for us sinners',. We are asking her to pray for us, because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We all need prayers, and to ask her for them is the ultimate joy we can bring her.

'now',. We ask for her to pray for us at the present time, because of our shortcomings. We are always distracted by some means.

'and at the hour of our death'. We ask her to help us out when that transition point appears.

'Amen'. So be it.

We need to actually THINK about the happenings of Christ's life, as well as our Blessed Mother's position when these things happened. She will hear us if we are sincere enough. And now, some thoughts from St. Louis de Montfort, who passed on True Devotion to our Lady:

'...Mary, being the most gracious and liberal of all pure creatures, never lets herself be outdone in love and liberality. As a holy man said of her, for an egg she gives an ox; that is to say, for a little that is given to her, she gives much of what she has received from God. Hence, if a soul gives itself to her without reserve, she gives herself to that soul without reserve, if only we put our confidence in her without presumption, and on our side labor to acquire virtues and to bridle our passions.'
And again:

'Concerning some kind of act to her, such as the Rosary or the litany or the Ave Maris Stella, it would be well also on that day they should pay some kind of tribute to Jesus Christ and our Blessed Lady, either as a penance for their past unfaithfulness to the vows of their Baptism, or as a testimony of their dependence on the dominion of Jesus and Mary. This tribute ought to be according to the devotion and ability of each one, such as a fast, a mortification, an alms or a candle. If they had but a pin to give in homage, and gave it with a good heart, it would be enough for Jesus, who looks only at the good will.'

Therefore, we should always be aware of what we are saying during the Most Holy Rosary of Our Lady. Slow down and pay attention!

Here is the Ave Maris Stella, which some might not know. Mary will hear us, but we have to be sincere and actually think.

Hail, bright star of ocean,
God's own Mother blest,
Ever sinless Virgin,
Gate of heavenly rest.

Taking that sweet Ave
which from Gabriel came,
Peace confirm within us,
Changing Eva's name.

Break the captives' fetters,
Light on blindness pour,
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore.

Show thyself a Mother;
May the Word Divine,
Born for us thy Infant,
Hear our prayers through thine.

Virgin all excelling,
Mildest of the mild,
Freed from guilt, preserve us,
Pure and undefiled.

Keep our life all spotless,
Make our way secure,
Til we find in Jesus
Joy forevermore.

Through the highest Heaven
to the Almighty Three,
Father, Son, and Spirit,
One same glory be. Amen.

Think this child is NOT set up for good things, as well for a devotion to our Lady?

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