Friday, October 31, 2014



"I saw a great multitude which no man could number, of all the nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne, and in sight of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands: and they cried with a loud voice, saying: 'Salvation to our Lord.'" Apoc. vii. 9,10

This is the day we honor all those who have actually made it into eternal happiness. Good for them. I hope people I know are there. I hope a dream I had years ago is true. I saw my mom, with her usual big smile standing in front of me, get her crown placed on her head by Jesus on one side and His Mother Mary on the other. Then the vision immediately left. It was a really different feeling. Woke me right up!

We honor all of the holy saints who have gone before us, and now rest in the bosom of God Himself, just as He promised. And, as our beloved Abbot Gueranger states: 'Yet the soul faints not, lifting up her eyes to the mountains, she feels that she can rely upon her Lord, and that she is abandoned neither by heaven, which is expecting her arrival, nor by her mother the Church still here on earth. Although purgatory, where justice and peace meet and embrace, is so near the region of endless weeping, it is still accessible to the angels. These august messengers comfort the soul with divine communications: while the blessed in heaven and the just on earth assist her with their prayers and sufferings. She is well assured that sin, the only real evil, can never touch her.

...But as in this world every grace from Jesus comes to us through Mary, so in the next world it is through her that deliverance and all good things are obtained. The Mother of God is queen over all whom her Son has redeemed. Thus the revelations of the saints tell us that she is truly the queen of purgatory: whether she graciously sends the angels of her guard to represent her there, or deigns herself, the beautiful dawn of eternal day, to enter its gloomy precincts, and shed upon its flames the abundant dew of morning.'

This is me: The Sabbantine privilege is that Mary herself will come and get us on the first Saturday after our death if we are faithful to her. I like this promise.

Let us, therefore, offer to her this prayer. It was composed in the 14th century by John IV de Langoueznou, abbot of Landevenec, and speaks of his love for our Blessed Mother:

To the suffers in purgatory, whom the burning flame is cleansing and sharp pains are tormenting, may thy compassion bring assistance, O Mary!

Fount accessible to all and washing away their sins, thou aid all, despise none: to the dead who languish in unceasing tortures, stretch forth thy hand, O Mary!

How lovingly do the departed souls sigh towards thee, yearning to be delivered from their sufferings and to be admitted to the sight of thee in the enjoyment of eternal bliss, O Mary!

Hear their groans, and hasten, O Mother, to show the love of thy heart, obtain of Jesus that He would deign to heal them through His own wounds, O Mary!

Thou art the true hope of them that call upon thee: lo! united multitudes cry to thee for their brethren, that thou would appease thy Son, and obtain for them the heavenly reward, O Mary!

In thy goodness, cause the tears thou sees us shed before the feet of the Judge, to extinguish speedily the flames of the avenging fire, that the dear souls may join the angelic choirs, O Mary!

And when the strict examination shall take place at God's terrible judgment, oh, then implore thy Son, the Judge, that we may share the inheritance of the saints, O Mary! AMEN!

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