Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thought for the day

This is just something I found in a book at a book sale, dated (?):

What used to be called 'modesty' is now called 'a sex hang-up'.

What used to be 'Christian discipline' is now called 'unhealthy repression'.

What used to be called 'disgusting' is now called 'adult'.

What used to be called 'moral irresponsibility' is now called 'being freed up'.

What used to be called 'chastity' is now called 'neurotic inhibitions'.

What used to called 'self-indulgence' is now called 'self-fulfillment'.

What used to be called 'living in sin' is now called 'a meaningful relationship'.

What used to be called 'perversion' is now called 'alternate life-style'.

What used to be called 'depravity' is now called 'creative self-expression'.

What used to be called 'ethical anarchy' is now called the 'theology of liberation'.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? This is what our 'morally bankrupt' nation has given to our kids! And, this is what the 'democratic' party these days stands for, as well as more and more of the 'republican' party seem to endorse. Absolutely everything that our Lord God and final Judge despises!


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