Thursday, September 11, 2014


Today we remember the atrocities committed on September 11, 2001, when cowardly terrorists, from the 'peaceful' religion, attacked our beloved homeland, murdering in cold blood 2,977 innocent people from more than ninety countries. I actually knew one of them. Thousands more were injured. Thousands of families will never fully recover from their losses. You know, Satan ALWAYS requires human blood from his numerous minions, and these acts of terrorism accomplish this need. Guess this 'peaceful religion' is carrying out the 'prince of the world's' directives.

America will never fully recover. Nor will Americans ever forget.

We will also remember all the unanswered questions we have concerning that fateful day. For example: How come the planes were NOT intercepted by our Air Force?; how is it that the twin towers fell just like a demolition would?; who was really in charge of the attacks?; was it those within the 'peaceful' religion?; did somebody in the 'powers that be' decide that we needed another war, which would be accompanied by so many useless deaths in another un-winnable war? Why are we being lied to? We would like some answers!!!!!!!!! At least, something we can know for sure: GOD KNOWS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!

We will be praying for these souls that were lost, for those being persecuted throughout the world, for the persecutors, as well as for the conversion of those who don't have the eternal Truth in them. That last part goes also for those within the Church who still call themselves 'catholic'.

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