Friday, August 22, 2014


Today is the octave day of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother, Mary. This day is dedicated to her Immaculate Heart. That day of the Assumption is unbelievably amazing, and she still waits for us to come to her. I wish to end with this prayer to her by a Constantinof of Germany:

'O Most Holy Mother of God, who hast beautified heaven and earth, in leaving this world thou hast not abandoned man. Here below thou didst live in heaven; from heaven thou conversest with us. Thrice happy those who contemplated thee and lived with the Mother of life! But in the same way as thou didst dwell with them of the first age, thou now dwellest with us spiritually. We hear thy voice; and all our voices reach thine ear; and thy continual protection over us makes thy presence evident. Thou dost visit us; thine eye is upon us all; and although our eyes cannot see thee, O most holy one, yet thou art in the midst of us, showing thyself in various ways to whomsoever is worthy. Thy immaculate body, come forth from the tomb, hinders not the immaterial power, the most pure activity of that spirit of thine, which being inseparable fro the Holy Ghost, breathes also where it wills. O Mother of God, receive the grateful homage of our joy, and speak for thy children to Him Who has glorified thee: whatsoever thou askest of Him, He will accomplish it by His divine power; may He be blessed forever!'

The mother of a man named Symphorian told him this, on his way to martyrdom: "My son, my son, remember life eternal; look up, and see Him Who reigns in heaven; they are not taking thy life away, but changing it into a better."

Christ told us to ask and we will receive. His Mother also accepts this duty for us.


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