Saturday, August 9, 2014

Is this what we really want?!

In these recent times, especially in the last few months, we have heard this cry:

Given the fact that he is a narcissistic liar and totally unqualified for the office he holds, is the following what we want really instead of what we're stuck with for a couple of more years?

# Office Current officer
1 Vice President of the United States: Joe Biden (D)
2 Speaker of the House: John Boehner (R)
3 President pro tempore of the Senate: Patrick Leahy (D)
4 Secretary of State: John Kerry (D)
5 Secretary of the Treasury: Jacob Lew (D)
6 Secretary of Defense: Chuck Hagel (R)
7 Attorney General: Eric Holder (D)
— Secretary of the Interior: Sally Jewell (D)[a]
8 Secretary of Agriculture: Tom Vilsack (D)
9 Secretary of Commerce: Penny Pritzker (D)
10 Secretary of Labor: Thomas Perez (D)
11 Secretary of Health and Human Services: Sylvia Mathews Burwell (D)
12 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Julian Castro (D)
13 Secretary of Transportation: Anthony Foxx (D)
14 Secretary of Energy: Ernest Moniz (D)
15 Secretary of Education: Arne Duncan (D)
16 Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Robert McDonald (D)
17 Secretary of Homeland Security: Jeh Johnson (D)

Naturalized U.S. citizen born in the United Kingdom.

This is a pack of 'LOSERS' if I ever saw one. We have a couple of 'RINO's' (Republican in name only) in that list, I see. And, probably, just like ALL of his appointments, they are probably all 'Socialist' leaning; members of the 'Socialist Party of the United States'. Think again about that 'impeach' thing.

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