Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Eve of Pentecost

We are almost there. Almost to the day when the Apostles have the Holy Spirit come upon them. They've waited 40 days with Jesus. They ate with Him. They listened to Him. Then they saw Him ascend into heaven. They've received the Holy Ghost when Jesus breathed on them. They've received the Power to Consecrate, forgive sins, and generally, lead us to our eternal home. Now, in another day, the Holy Ghost will teach them all that they need to know, recalling to their minds all that Jesus taught them. They will do miracles, heal the sick, speak to people who do not speak their tongue. Our beloved Abbot, Gueranger, tells us what to expect after we have come to the Truth:

'As soon as this holy season of Easter is over, and we no longer have the celebration of its mysteries to enlighten and cheer us, we shall bind ourselves at the old work of battling with the three enemies: the devil, who angered by the graces we have received; the world, to which we must unfortunately return; and our passions, which, after this calm, will again awaken, and molest us. If we be “endued with the power from on high”, we shall having nothing to fear. Let us, therefore, ardently desire to receive Him; let us prepare Him a worthy reception; let us use every endeavor to make Him abide with us; and we shall gain the victory, as did the apostles.'

Come Holy Ghost!

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