Thursday, June 19, 2014


May our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised, adored, and loved, with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time!

O Sacrament most holy! O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine!

Corpus Christi, or the Body of Christ. He has left us a constant reminder of this to take advantage of until the end of time. Scripture from the Old to the New Testaments has told it to us.

'He, (the Lord) hath made a remembrance (a memorial) of His wonderful works: He hath given Food to them that fear Him.' Ps. cx. 4,5

'Come! eat my Bread, and drink my Wine which I have mingled for you...' Ps. 9

'Taste and see that the Lord is sweet.' Ps. 33

And let us not forget Melchisedech, a precursor of Christ and the Apostles, who offered bread and wine to Abram.

'I am the Bread of life: your fathers did eat manna in the desert, and are dead: this is the Bread coming down from heaven; that if any man eat thereof, he may not die.

(Read the 6th Chapter of the Gospel of St. John. This really ticks the protestants and unbelievers off, mainly because they don't understand. They would have to convert if they did.)

'My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that abideth in me, and I in him...This is the bread that came down from heaven...he that eateth this Bread, shall liver forever.'

St. Leo writes: "The participation of the Body and Blood of Christ transforms us into that which we receive,"

And St. Paul: 'therefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily. shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. But, let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgement unto himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.'

St. Augustine says:

'No one partakes of this Body until he has first adored, and we not only do not sin when we adore It, but would sin if we did not adore It.'

The Council of Trent excommunicates those who assert that it is not allowable to adore Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, in the Blessed Sacrament. How unjust are those unbelievers who sneer at this adoration, when it has never entered into the mind of any Catholic to adore the external appearances of this Sacrament, but the Savior hidden under the appearances; and how grievously do those indifferent Catholics sin who show Christ so little veneration in this Sacrament, and seldom adore Him if at all!

Trent also states:
Whoever denies that in the venerable Sacrament, of the Eucharist the whole Christ is present in each of the forms and in each part of each form, where a separation has taken place, let him be anathema.

This should be a problem for those who insist on drinking of the cup at the N.O. mass, so that they can receive His Blood also. They just don't get it!

Let us go to Confession so that we can be made worthy to receive His Body in the Holy Eucharist.

Note: This Feast should be today, since it recalls to us that Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist on a Thursday. It was always held on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Also, in the new 'nervous order' way of things, this day will probably be mentioned this upcoming Sunday. The Bishops order it. They are trying to get us to use the new calendar. If they succeed, we will miss out on all of these Feast days, which honor Christ, His Mother, and all of the saints as they should be honored. I guess they wouldn't want to make anyone come to church twice in a week?!!! Once again, the 'newchurch' misses the point of holiness!!!!! Pray much, especially for our pathetic, weak-kneed leaders.

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