Monday, May 12, 2014


I have many people asking me if they may use anything posted here for their help. YES! Copy and paste to your heart's content. Also, if you're looking for a PC site, this ain't it. I don't deliberately intend to hurt anyone, however, I sincerely intend to state the Faith as it comes to us from the Apostles. Many these days don't. I'm just trying to make you think for yourself, accepting NOT very much which we hear anymore. I will interject my viewpoints often, and I use the word 'pantload' to show something that is totally NOT true, whether it's from a person or anyone who should be leading us to eternal salvation and is not doing just that. I use the Douay-Rheims Bible when quoting any Scripture, because any bibles printed after 1964 have different words, hence different meanings. This only makes sense! Also, I use the 'Liturgical Year' set of books a lot when posting. It was from the 1920's, and it is invaluable, at least to me. I am a convert of 32 years now, and I like 'old' stuff, because it has more of the True Faith in it. You know, that old dog 'satan' will use anything and anyone to pervert the Truth, thus leading people astray to their eternal un-salvation. This has happened in the 50+ years. People have left the Faith, and the ones still around have drank the koolaid of the new evangelization, especially telling us that all go to heaven. Like I said before: "Pantload".

Study the Faith of the ages, not this dribble which we get now. No matter how much you like koolaid, don't drink the stuff coming to us in these last days. Don't be lukewarm. It ain't so hot.


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