Monday, April 28, 2014


Now that we have two new 'saints', we need to beware of what to come. As you, I use the word 'pantload' to describe something that is so unbelievable and absurd, and I fail to come up with something comparable to describe these feelings. Well, these 'canonizations' and what will follow because of them will be a real 'pantload' for true believers. As a simile, Jeff Foxworthy the comedian, when talking about baby diapers, states: "When those diaper boxes say 10-12 pounds, that's just about all they will hold." Well, the 'new' evangelicism coming after this past weekend will be something like this: 'You know you're in for something, and you know it's going to be full, and you are pretty sure you're not going to like it when you open it up.'

BE SHOVEL READY! Just sayin'.

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