Thursday, March 20, 2014

THIS IS WAR !!!!!!!!

We are at war! Not in the general sense of it, but in a sense that we, as Roman Catholics, seem to be losing battles all over the world concerning the Traditional Mass of all times. Our beloved (un)Holy Father, Francis, is in the process of obliterating the Traditional Mass. Countries, such as Costa Rica, have been told that they cannot have this Mass any more. In our own country, at Fisher/More College in Texas, and at the Franciscan Friary of the Immaculate, have been told the same. It will be an avalanche before we know it. Mueller has declared that the Society of St. Pius X is schismatic once again! These losers need a dictionary badly. We are told that we must believe that the 'nervous odor' Mass is the ONE that we are to adhere to. This is a huge pantload!!!! WE Traditionalists are the ones trying to hold onto the Faith which comes to us from the Apostolic age. I was personally told once that I was a heretic and schismatic because I didn't believe what Vat. II was OK. I personally believe it was a valid council (though bad for the Faith). I believe that Jesus is in the tabernacles of the world and is being abused in the 'nervous odor' mass, and that is why the angel (probably St. Michael) told the kids at Fatima the prayer which states our belief in the Eucharist and prays for those who are abusing the Sacred Host in the new mass. I sincerely believe this prayer was for our times. Following is that prayer:

O Most Holy Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all of the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He Himself is offended. Through the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. Amen.

Say this prayer three times each time you do it. I try to do it every time I pass a Catholic Church, because I know He is being abused there. This is my belief because I don't think that 'Communion in the hand' is a very good thing at all. If particles of our Blessed Lord are dropped on the floor, they are either walked on or swept up in a vacuum cleaner. Mother Teresa called 'Communion in the hand' the biggest sin of the 20th century. And, if those are taking 'Communion in the hand', have they washed their hands before? Did they have to wipe the nose of their kids? Our Blessed Lord deserves better than what we give Him. He is the One who will judge us at our demise. I also don't think that our leaders actually believe in the real Presence anymore. If they did, they wouldn't allow this travesty to keep on. This is all a protestant thing so it doesn't offend anyone. What we want and deserve is the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, and this is NOT being taught like it is suppose to be. We are called dinosaurs and not up to date with the changing of the times. We are the ones trying to teach our kids the Truth and raise them up to know and live it, not like the generic nonsense we are told from the pulpits! Our illustrious leaders are trying to spoon-feed us a steaming pile of excrement and expecting us to say "Yummm!" I don't think so! Even Pope Paul VI said that the smoke of satan had entered the Church. Boy, was he right. And, this smoke really reeks. Well, here's a news flash for our leaders and those who believe them. THE ETERNAL TRUTH NEVER CHANGES! Times will change, and ways to pass the Truth on might change (such as the internet), but the basic Truth from Jesus Christ never changes!

Anyway, we are at war to hold onto the Faith as it was presented by Jesus Himself to the Apostles. The Mass will go on somewhere in the world, and we should hope and pray that it stays in the U.S. Those in charge are against it
and are doing their best to squash it. If it wasn't for Archbishop Lefevbre, we wouldn't even have it these days. We need to be strong and be ready to fight and, maybe die, for it.

As the U.S. Marine motto goes: SEMPER FIDELIS!

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