Sunday, March 2, 2014


I received this e-mail, and it concerned me a great deal. I subscribe to the Church Militant feed. To see M.V. attack fellow Roman Catholics is disconcerting. These men are real men. They have raised Catholic families. They are strong in the Faith, as we all are suppose to be. 'Catholic Family News' and 'The Remnant' are very worthy papers to read if you want to keep your faith. It seems to me in this case that the devil has caused some dissention among true believers. It is what he does best. Anyway, if M.V. doesn't send some kind of retraction to his diatribe, I will be cancelling the feed. What he says is usually right, but he has missed the boat entirely this time!

March 1, 2014: From John Vennari

A Response to Michael Voris' assault
against Traditional Catholic Writers

Thank you Mr. Louie Verrecchio for your common-sense response to a remarkably silly and confused attack against us by Michael Voris' Church Militant TV.

Here is what Voris' ChurchMilitantTV said about us, as part of a larger manifesto:
"It is our judgment that most Catholics should not read articles and essays such as those above by Christopher A. Ferrara and John Vennari, nor similarly themed articles and essays available elsewhere. We also believe that such articles and essays should not be published anywhere for public consumption but, rather, reserved for those capable of reading such without risk of damaging their faith in the Church and the Vicar of Christ. We make these recommendations for the same reasons that we discourage people from visiting sedevacantist and pornography web sites: they are potential occasions of sin…" Check out the video below.

Mr. Verrecchio produced an intelligent video as a response. Below is how Mr. Verrecchio prefaced the video:

The Gore-Tex

Well… it is now undeniable: Michael Voris is all-in with the manifesto. Damn shame too. The guy screwed up. It happens. I’m pretty sure I did that once too. Maybe even twice.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the least bit pleased about this rift between Voris and people like John Vennari, Christopher Ferrara and Michael Matt. Not only do I respect these men a great deal, I’m out here doing the same kinds of things; namely, defending our Catholic faith against all comers, even the occasionally naked pope. A stone thrown at them hits me as well.

At the end of the day, we’re still Catholics. That makes us family. In other words, it ain’t over ’til it’s over; so with that in mind I’m offering a bit of fraternal correction.

Go to video:

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