Monday, February 24, 2014

ADAM AND STEVE?!!!!!!!!!


Anyway, I'm going to talk about a topic which has infuriated me in the recent months; Homosexual 'marriages'. First of all, we were brought into being by the Almighty Creator to 'know, love, and serve Him in this world, so that we may be with Him in the next. Therefore, we must choose something. We must choose: To do what God expects of us or not. Period! In order to please Him in this life is to do things that don't offend Him. Just like abortion, homosexuality does NOT please Him. Homosexuality is in itself not a sin. However, the practice of it IS! Men were born to be men, NOT women; and, women were born to be women, NOT men. God does not make mistakes!

Recently, local, state, and federal courts have decided to acknowledge these 'unions', despite what God wants! They are all spineless jellyfish; they don't want to offend anybody. But, they don't have a problem offending the One who created them and will judge them when they croak! Good luck with that at your demise.

We who believe the entire Truth are called intolerant, when, in fact, those in favor of this lifestyle are the intolerant ones. They attack any one with a different viewpoint than their own.

You know, it didn't go very well for the first being (an Archangel) when he said: "I will not serve." We don't want to end up like he did, serving him for our eternity. We must choose wiser decisions while we still can.

Oh, my sincere apologies to any jellyfish I might have offended by the above comparison.

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