Saturday, January 4, 2014


This Sunday is for the Holy Name of Jesus. The following says it all:

Sunday, January 5, 2014
In the Name of Jesus let every knee bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth; and let every tongue confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father. (Phil. 2, 10-11)

Kneeling: For example, bending the knees and kneeling for Holy Communion?!

The following is taken from a 1891 book entitled HALF HOURS WITH THE SERVANTS OF GOD, concerning this day. It was written by a Jesuit, Pere Nouet.

'A true devotion to the Holy Name will help to obtain our own sanctification; for in saving our own souls, we accomplish the greatest desire of our Saviour, and we contribute on our part to do that which adds an additional glory to Him, which is our own salvation.

Our salvation depends, on the one part, on Him; on the other, ourselves. On His part He has abundantly supplied us with all that was necessary to complete the work of that grand, important, and sole hope of a happy eternity. He has cured all our infirmities; He has given us preservatives and wholesome remedies against all our vicious habits; He has delivered us from the power of the devil; He has reconciled us with His Eternal Father; He has paid all our debts; He has surmounted every obstacle to our salvation, and, through excess of love, He has shed His Blood, and after suffering excruciating pains He expired on the Cross. But, after all, if we do not make a good use of His graces, all that He has done and suffered will be in vain, inasmuch as we deprive Him of the glory of His Holy Name...

...Listen, then, to the voice of the Blood of that Redeemer Who beseeches you, by virtue of His Name and the excess of His love, to help Him to make His Name efficacious by saving souls, and by making them partakers of the fruit of His Precious Blood.'

1 comment:

  1. Phil. 2, 10-11 is a favorite scripture passage for me. And yes, every knee SHOULD bend for Holy Communion. Good read.
