Monday, January 13, 2014


I saw this in this past weekend's comics. It might seem funny to those who don't possess the eternal Truth, but to those who do, maybe it's not so funny.
Everyone goes to heaven, right? They might be surprised when they find out the truth. Just sayin'.

This reminds me of a joke of a sort. The devil had three minions with him, and he was about to send them into the world to reap souls for him. He asked the first on what he planned to do to accomplish this, to which he replied: "I will teach them that there is no God". The devil said that it was good, but he wouldn't really get very many souls. He asked the second what he planned to do, to which he replied: "I will teach them that there is no you". The devil replied that this was also was good, but that the numbers won't be what he was intending. He asked the third minion what he planned to do to gain lost souls, and he replied: "I will teach them that they have a lot of time left to think about it." The devil was ecstatic, to say the least.

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