Monday, November 25, 2013


I've been reading as usual, and I came across these quotes from the past. It definitely applies to these days. Remember, no matter how up our leaders are, they are only human. I will put the quotes here, as well as on the side>>>>>>>>>>

From Cardinal de Torquemada in the 15th century:

"Were the Pope to command anything against Holy Scriptures, or the articles of faith, or the truth of the sacraments, or the commands of the natural or Divine Law, he ought not to be obeyed, but in such commands he is to be disregarded."

And, from Pope Innocent III, he states: " is necessary to obey the Pope in all things as long as he, himself, does not go against the universal customs of the Church, 'he need not be followed.'"

So, when our leaders do things such as these, we are NOT obligated to heed them. Me--2013

Just sayin'

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