Saturday, August 24, 2013


I just wanted to say thanks to all who visit this blog. And, especially to the people of Russia, who seem to be leading the pack in views. Maybe now is the time for the Consecration of that country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as she requested. That is; the Holy Father, with ALL the Bishops of the entire world in union with him, on the same day, at the same hour, naming specifically Russia. THIS is what she requested. Some Popes have did a consecration of the world, with no mention of Russia. Some have done one, mentioning Russia, but not with all of the bishops. Not one has done it the way she requested at Fatima. NONE! And, with Putin putting it out there about same-sex anything; and, being right, we all ought to rally around our Blessed Mother and finally do what she asked, to bring peace (as heaven sees it), to the world, thus ending all of the wars and the chaos. Anyway, thanks to all who read this blog, and especially the Russian people.

ONLY SHE CAN HELP US! She is the Ark of the new covenant, who brought forth, in her womb, the fulfilling of all the prophecies of the Old Testament: JESUS

Holy Mary, pray for us.

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