Thursday, June 27, 2013


For shame! on our 'elected' officials in Washington, D.C. The Supreme (what a joke) Court has pretty much said yes to the millions of homosexuals, granting them access to fulfill their wishes of being 'married' to those of the same sex. The only Supreme Judge will straighten them out one day.

And again, the problem of illegal aliens will probably be approved by our beloved Congress people very soon. These people are here illegally! Period! If they would have chosen the legal way to come here, I am all for it. The first they have done is to break our laws, and now want free reign with our whole country.

Another again. Now the Vatican will become another black eye for the Church. A convicted sex offender (priest) has blown the whistle on many others within the Vatican. He has named names and given them to the police. This just adds another scandal within the walls.

Lord, help us!

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