Sunday, April 7, 2013

Low Sunday-Quasimodo

Today is what is called 'Low Sunday.' It is apparent that this name signifies the octave of the Easter celebrations, and because it is on a lower scale than the Highness of last Sunday. We hear about 'Doubting' Thomas. Just because he didn't believe the Apostles when they said they had seen our Lord Jesus, he didn't believe them. Jesus wouldn't do a miracle for Herod, and He won't do one just to make us believe. The following Sunday, Thomas did see and then believed. Jesus told him: "Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed. blessed are they who have not seen and have believed."

My Lord and my God, help my unbelief.

Also, on this, which is called a Greater Double rite; it is such a solemn day, NO feast, however great, is supposed to be kept on it. 'Mercy Sunday'? Could it be that JP2 bypassed the Church Canons when he started this, just as he did when he started the 'Luminous' mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of our Blessed Mother Mary. I think she knew what she was doing better than the Holy Father when she asked for this devotion to begin.

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