Saturday, March 16, 2013

Passion Sunday 2013

Tomorrow is Passion Sunday. We are starting to think seriously about what Christ did for us. It should have already happened! Anyway, I'd like to put something in that we don't hear anymore, if that's OK with you. Even if it's not!, here goes. The following is called Capitulum, because it is short. And besides, I like it.

The standard of our King comes forth; the mystery of the cross shines upon us, that cross on which Life suffered death, and by His death gave life.

He was pierced with the cruel spear, that, by the Water and the Blood which flowed from the wound, He might cleanse us from sin.

Here on the Cross was fulfilled the prophecy foretold in David's truthful words: 'God hath reigned from the tree.'

O fair and shining tree! beautified by the scarlet of the King, and chosen as the noble trunk that was to touch such sacred limbs.

O blessed tree! on whose arms hung the ransom of the world! It was the balance, wherein was placed the Body of Jesus, and thereby hell lost its prey.

Hail, O Cross! our only hope!

I'd also like to add this prayer, from the Passion Sunday readings, which we wouldn't hear otherwise, for our newly selected Holy Father:

O God, the Pastor and Ruler of all the faithful, look down, in thy mercy, on thy servant Francis, whom thou hast appointed Pastor over thy Church: and grant, we beseech thee, that both by word and example, he may edify all those that are under his charge: and, with the flock entrusted to him, arrive at length at eternal happiness. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns in unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and forever. Amen.

Go Green! (MSU, in the upcoming NCAA tournment)

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